by Fable Tethras
Cover art generously donated by Ephemera Fae
100% of the profits from the sale of this short story eBook will be donated to Planned Parenthood.
This is a necesary tale for modern times.
At Not a Pipe Publishing, we are heartbroken, furious, and a bit paralyzed by the news of the overturning of Roe. We knew it was coming, but, like all our authors of dystopian fiction, we wanted to believe visions of a nightmare future would be treated as warnings, not prophecy. Yet here we are. As a first response, we asked one of our brilliant authors, Fable Tethras, for their permission to reprint their story “Motherhood” from our anthology Denial Kills. We have always said we must fight fascism with our voices while we can. Words are our preferred ammunition, and we hope they can remain the best weapons in this fight. If you come across anyone who is not taking this news seriously enough, please encourage them to read Mx. Tethras’ story. And remember, 100% of the profits from the sale of this eBook will be donated to Planned Parenthood. Those donations will continue, and we hope to figure out other ways to fight back.
-Viveca Shearin and Benjamin Gorman
Co-Publishers, Not a Pipe Publishing
Purchase your copy of the short story in eBook HERE.
If you’d like to donate more to Planned Parenthood, go HERE.
But if you do, please mention your contribution on social media and tag us so we can add your contribution to the total and encourage others to give as well. You’re not bragging or “virtue signaling,” you’re spreading the word in a time of crisis!