Authors, poets, and artists who are looking for a way to express what you are feeling about the global rise of fascism, we want your stories of resistance and visions of a better world.
Feeling overwhelmed and wishing there was a way to use your artistic gifts to fight back? Let’s go!
Please email Put “Antifa Anthology” and the title of your work in the subject line. We’re looking for short fiction of 5000 words or less (2500 words or less is better, but we’ll consider longer stories), poetry in any form, and artwork in color or B&W. Contributors will receive a digital copy of the book and a share of the royalties. Though we will need to know where to send your royalties, pieces can be published pseudonymously to protect you from retaliation. So create the art you wish you could find right now! (Though Not a Pipe Publishing is headquartered in the United States, our publisher is a digital nomad living safely overseas, so we can publish whatever we want without much fear of a foreign country’s regime.)
Know what’s even better than punching a Nazi? Helping a person who is currently tolerating oppression in silence feel inspired to speak out, or letting someone who is being targeted know they are not alone. Let’s build a community of words.
Deadline: March 15th